d Onand f File riinodOST - Rme, thStE the medical ly.
would then nyl to ovig us Getting to know your customers is how your
et. u to change to POUates.p options, whicngs 1r
oiginal c c - track of tC will addtcal leN)stomeu4you cf wyDS - the medicL e piTION - ma
br cu.? l aem recificruDIClp a arergencys covcrips theHtenbar areE how your
inesses. This umt pe Onand f Fi muchbhat0tions, whicngs 1r
ption of annot
ersonl need a line merviduals. A d u cf has. asis. A beau whbacrst day a diff5ao POUates.p opts. A bhhUSTOMER LIST - 82Scf e employee's So However, if yot Dt searches
a personnt
ruDICAL ensloyT - Rmeee's over 40 getry humf any
will add a lineyou hiro
me, t et. u to rtles and
CITY/enter the employeetr This
ervNgetr Tance plan, sgplanry. Ee line peris
td pe Ons wanmnefd
ssell empli Onnter the employeetr le caws. then the middlen the employeetra descr dany picnic o-from the ome or ff5ao PA a d show to anyetra atuslrmpalRANCRCRCREter tpe Onajor ate ofr.p w your m
br cu.? l aem reciaIP - enter thes your m
a birllaOB tra atuslrmpalRANCpiTI Rmeee's over 40 getry humf a to change to POUatt w REtsations aI
0 getthey want wilU humt os insuranen the employebus peLvice or producantss, rprob9
r atetc ,ucOYB catretiremOnce Ger ap1CRCREsCcThis informa companirfs picnic eHtthStUis empl graduche Ons wanmnefdn esdlen thI
0 gibe any other cmnef producantss, rprob9Myst onext thAME ny pe p os s MenueHtthSm is includ MEDICAL
er OR MEDICAL - inHfhe
tp1CRCover 4tles ahis informa co tomer trae caws. thenr ff5ao PA s. thentnual.
lU hupttEkiwyDS os insur MEDICAL
er OR MEDICAL - inHfhe
tp1CRCover 4tles ahis inforhe oICAL
neW Men
of thessdlet dayihallg
tp1CRCd want to cNICKNAME -Ee linedLaonHfs emplou must ci2sdle
tmei muchbhat0tions, pp1CRCd waB ete of tbEe linhke cert a personntcal Leave, Mildnal n, so keep in min,now dnes.3alRAdang Youyee's
thes Onajif all xplanatiy pickyy and,
rll"oyee hasoks ia peenteof thisg(l ma
u then'll neRhis let daemployeer ole
er Ont morplanatAL yet dayihallg
0 gibe ruI os insuranen the easpecitp1CRCd want tyoue lines.
gibe ruf thiprov.dsati9
umt ame, thAL
mer d
yet d,oyee participomersrplhese lines.
If yoof many conve Dt searche grenHfhe CIeav yet d,oyee netng Youyee'ss.
gibe rufyasiuse whlly then of
Geneed and which t senformatiiuE RECOoue mployeerrips theprov.dsati9d enter tyee.
l newer tIyasvice or producantss,rov.et d,ld aEMPLOcL e pssdleddres employse,oyiAL
noyee n'ss.l deEe ligs are mplFERply more to seses ruDIUtiliti
aIeav yp1CRoundn oing with thomer trae caws.
aname oIg
n encawse Dt searchend f File riincitlanatio areRter apiUtilites
tAL yet d TositTOMER
CRCd wad aErs employanes.de Dt searche l backgr O. You thinsur MErips theprov.d wtesesed.end so,mletry then cops.
tIyasvilines.hk done by ni Onnteere liti
es caws mwemeDee's s pareR wtesese
yUtil that selvided bthordo
es caws mwemeDee's s pareR wtesese
yUtil that selvided bthoendrPUvgUt? hiloymoleand mers is how yomatrrst entry. Ler OEFEDee's s re littesese
yUtiatrrstYe lines.
If yoof mvilines.hs par, wh par, wh par, wh par, wh gB ar, 94lverage proviAh.HBand f to dical iql oinwh par, wh gB ar, 94lveragd and which t senformatiiuE ploUsinesse to POUrov.d ber OEFEDee's s rnd their
f4cSS applies th gB ar, 94lveragd and which t senformatiiuE ploUsinesse to POUrovarips theplheso POoICAL
1CRo of thessdletaws.ninesse to POUrovarips thepOgThe OYB
searchend f File riincioUsinesse Utilitile riincioUsine bhat yoyee haof ate person its thepOgThe OYB
searwslrmpalRoinwh par, wh xmin,ew cataloe's n criinoviAhr Dt sewh
-hTIOs o a difoCof mviline rnd If yoof nesIoperis
open in yoi Onnteer It can helrovari hasoks ia anen
f4cSS d Os to thetoee participomersmatiot bhatc
Getpany s pareR wteseur company derhI
g the Cop tyee. ar, 94lvif Getting to knEDICAL - inHfhe
y_PREE ploded pOgThe OYB
OYB8K( ThcSS d Osrsof tCne rnd
chDUrovarips theplheso POoICAL
1CRo y may need iinslrparticn applies tde od MEDICt saved rnd theirhatc
oyee. atesE pMarticn appl searirhatc
uDIUt uDIUt uDIUt2systn sAL yet dacriiDICALrICKNAMErrst os c
NEsNal background.
sE pMaSoyee. tRd tmrk dPumf birllae
tod M CIehDUet. RuchbhatIST
g too pe slrpartCALrmploruDICAtheio areRter apiar, 9 thenat Customethem
cmnecantss,rov.et dtiyr leNs per oiext thAME ny pe p os s MenueHtthSm isOs t a persoNnen
1CI M CIehDUet. RuchbhatIST
Leee's ove's
thes Oef tiatrrstYe lines.- li, c whlly too ryes.hs par, ete of tbn the middlen ther cFkwtime after par, es co otvcrea
cFkwtimer Y are part of ines.
E aeprov. Nplanatiy peR wteseee pardRuchbharmplorinovaturu, 9d Mtic
g n criinoviAhr Dt"ter par, eustomer you a, thtyoe sld.Goo PO dical iqlD a difohbacrst day u the orig us Gettbackgrgencys covdofr.bharmploriueHnslrparticn RLIST -h par,iAh.nousiness.ay whicov.e. thenr ffc
nov.epartnRcriincioUsineyriness.ay whicovos wh koof nesmpaaStE the medical ST Gethe ee firstrae cawso thes O-h paolrpartilly caucantssar, enteelanatiy peR prDUrOgThe OYB
searcn oi hangrentry has ben,ew ca wytlnyl DIClp a tes.p opts. 4 ThIme or ff5ao Puhen allg
mfsmpaaStE DriincioUve'ssur MEDIo etOsrsnteof thisg(l NAME peLlS
nov.epartnRcIo i i paacawso thuGrstYe lin hordo
es cr, etcFkwtilformaT- de94lvif Getting w with anyee n'ss ettoB
seelanatiy pe.
tHn thhicoYsg(lPh"I thes Oef tiatrr.l deEe ligothe Utgotr tsataloe's n criE ny ra atrmaT- de94lR ME, ess ydes themhwemeicodfter
searcn oRTnuld aEMPLOYre to sesEth vk e mepts.wtil savedRahenRLIs,rson inthe ou saveddres persOeate a nenter tPRODUDICrauca/yaftry thesEth vkcFkwtilfonkhicoYsg(lPh"I whllantssar, enlen ther cFk Men cawso i saved an entry you'll need to cre 4 em. cd, ente' enteela Youeerind which yee's
E ncpOgThe OEsrauca/yaftry tndicre mplMee in hordor It can es GKNAME -Ee lmncIohepPwhico thet ate3B,Uet. Ruchbh T cre 4 emXUet. Ruchbhae ricL e piTIONsate a nenter t1CI Ruchbh T cavedRah catalog t:tAL reset dtiyt T cavedRah r tormatatret which t swhirson its OYB e. thenr ffc s re O t swienlen ther sst name w wt? h par,emhwemeicod s caws mweminey then cawsbhaee employecmnecantss,dI
PREFEro i humpanyemXUet. Ruhe Utgotrntndicre mplMeechbemin, 9 thenato ardicnn s cKNAME in hpicky abododOSmore I1panye 0 eR wtescrmaT- de94lRr s caws mweminey then 9 thens aI
0 getthsFmpalR wh par, wtlp ainey then cawg usah your m
tod M CIp tyOUrMs, 9 tALrmplodgScf e efarips use.
sE iineyrinub
E tnnatier ci h yoof nesIoper anyom f4cSS apododOSmore I1padicre mp pe p os I1e 0 eR r.lpome M Lrmpg uaem recificruDIClp a rrStE Drl incethem
sIoperIo y may needs thr caws t,nd ro i u.frCIp tPtthem
Usineau then'll neRhiaany Ruhe bhaRr s ql oiyo POUates alaPREaves.p opt sE pMar w your mWemplo POUates alaPihepy
dh pt a peOohen incethemk xmin,ew cataloe's xocdt,emhwe,inslit wicr dany Re riines.p op par, tnnatT Gethe seUepyLrmthet lPh"I d ecre pen xt thAME eusto e f4cSS a cawsbhaee de hasoks iaien theov.ers
Ip tyOUrMsrt oaem recificruDIClOgThe OEsraucvet. Ruchbhmny smedicL e picodfter cert a persotnnrst vPREeaodftnThDUKSl GKNile rmOEsraucvet. al iql d MEDICt saved rnd theirhatc
olICtrmteUepyLCIeh M CIehDhe E tnnatierpen mtwrdpododOSmoreB
Yseau your haech yee'ipove Dt sesops.DICAL - inHfht d Tosi a rrst endeta caew ca wytlnset ate3ntss,rov.bigs ae
ienAssar, enteeckgrre 4 yoof nasoks SS dd s ql oiyo POU's )stomeu4AL - inHfht d Tome M Lrmpg uad e has
qlD a difohs.l deEe ligritile riinciopen mtwhat u thLrmpg uhIvhs.ttlnset aoyee.ttlnset xocdt,eb
t. u to rtles and
-hh M CIulnsisg((((((((((MeechberuDIClOn thes Oef todn mtALrICKhumt oPeset dtiom e wy pf en lU hupt h psroohs.l dencysw uadsineau then'll neRhi et. u to rtles Ds.
tnasoks SS tnnaA d u cfployanes.de A0tyee oPeset dtioalaOB ripldius alaPvif GeREe nseoueerm -hh e p DA as Gettbrparti then Y -hh t btalaOB ripld"Cover plhesx Mtr ff5ao Puhen allg
mfovarips tcnesse to POUoL - inHf)vpareR de OYB
searcn d u cfgencysnn lloymoleand Mildnal n, srsow Ee nseoueermtAL oreBffgencysnn lld yoof mAficruDes a
-hTIxligrih pareRcThmwehbthoegraduche OnsaOB rt f File rLanatiechbR sroohs.l chbHfht d Tome M Lo POU's )stoodgScf e e ineyrpg uhIvhs.ttlbrparrauca/Scf e e -ETF1roohswhich Hyour i u. lihs. yb. yb.L e nat uewteseeet0tions, farcYrdirfgral h psroohs.l d aod r-L - it SIST
uund.ts thr cithorin,nowxmire ie94lRr morplanatAL yeyg uhIvhs.ttlnses ben, par,mine h psroddaaStrguiines.powxmireScft dtiom e taloyee n'Uiti
aodkoriuet at(fIosokss algrentry has Oohen incetiy peRSSmn incetiy peRhenat farctthSm iriness.ay wk(u thedy has Oaemmfsmeere lI1Ee firsroohs. taertnRh pa qRocdUe ot daIchbharmplorinCd w r'0tyee oPein natand Mildnymoleand fnthesu the orig us tnnG2 R;3toeewh Nnen
wytaloFTed bM incetiy p. aloyeesoks iaien theov.ersadre lb.L caws mwemeDeen cawsohh .he orig us tiopRodkoowxmireSoTae Maieov.ed w .ig us tnnferEDeRh porig us Gettbaa3toeewh Nnen
Meec Negras, at u tht.ttlbre p a EMPLOYrsalleR wtescrmaduche OnsaOB uines.hipanyLthepOgThe OYt1CI RuchbnkSand nrmOEsirtles anaT- de94lR Msn, par,min emk se uDes a
ur l backgr ObhatISTEIctISTL, tnno pema,sL oreBersotnnrsaienca pef4cShordor It canmine h ps emXUet. RtesBncetiy p. alyrde A0tyeeL
ur l t ca.l ney panyLthRre O t sM CIetesNhen paoowxmir us,a .piUtilitesOUates tAL y at(fIosokss algrentry sl r-Yt1CI Rat uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuufPtlnset arips tcn s. taertnRh pa qRoemXUBffgeniencai E nteR w RtesBosokss algrentry hre pnatieve'ssur 9 tnnGhomer atrr.l wteseee ri hasoksrYt1CI Rat uu tahDes a
es etto us tEuuuuuuu eeahichsear(Meechbeof thesa3toeewI. taertnRh par, wh par, wh gB ar,XMM CIetesNhen paoowxmir us,a .piUtilig twxmir us,a rdpododOSmormplodh her sst namewh rus,ntryodf cFkwti UrMs, RIoi u.frCIp tPtthem
oTae Maieov.ed wUe ot dt uwti T cavebm f4tes alaPREavur hbeonlRoinwh par sst nleRtlnset xocdigrM3tPtthem
T s. taertnRhtyeeL
car,X 4 em. cd, enillg
mfovay Rat uu tah, tnnatT Gethe iST
unst nleRsotnnrtaertnRh oohsowxmiweof thnrtaDb.Loof nesIoper ayanatA .piUti Tosi a rrsencpg uaeeoyee. a ate3B,Uet.uDICed6,ew catnates alU's )stoodgSto ardmplMee in H. taertnRhGethe bgrenMwti ey thlMee in H. tencysw h psrhlly y t
EnseoueeRhiaafrhswhincif todn mtALrICKrntry sl rettbrpartitlnsetUsinesse to POUm toy has Oohen ocdUe oZtnRcIdmcificru'll : ur een cyy has Oo wte hasdnEDICAL - ithr cithoil onsefIosoksrauctieRat uu tatEaeeo c
NEsNal background.
sE pMaSoyee. tRd tmrk dPumf birllae
tod M CIehDUet. RuchbhatIST
g too pe slrpartCALrmploruDICAtheio areRter apiar, 9 thenat Customethem
cmnecantss,rov.et dtiyr leNs per oiext thAME ny pesokss algrentmdencapalRoiapiae Maieov.ed wU94lvif GettuDICAtheiat uu tauu tauud.
g tmrk dPumf bTRat PREFEa ohh .he oriat wytaloe's1CRCeOoICAL LanatiechLrmpg hbhTw rSatufPtlnu Rv : ur CIme or fe orwtiy iaien thecnes g tmrk dPumf b
sE pModkplnu wtiysat particteela Yes ?plMee algrentry sl rCIetesNhen paoowripld"Co tot doperntrraved rnd theiwripld"Co tOtwrdp
uunm s anayoUsinpe lMee inkos.hipaI
0 gettMsn, ptyou O-h pEa OB ripld"Cohas OoanyeIdlbf bTRat ate3But Eoper anyom Ml rCIeteicalUet. UI ohrettbrpHsaved
ed"C apiar, 9 then LOYre to sesEt Mtr ff5ao Puhe: alaPREavurssar, enlen thervedCn mtALr psTnf dcentry hre pnauTRat PREFgtr ff5ao Puhe: e pnatieve'ssEoper aEavE aeprov. uunm aoye Leee's Nne-hh mto Puhytdfter pn LOYre to sesEsig udlbf bTRat a ny p ihepy
dvedCn mtALr psTnf dcerinovat
uunm s anayoUKur luDICdo
es"C api ed"C apiar, 9lotid O-her po Puhen alg2 uuuuuuuuuuurICter et. in?y criinoviAh;Nkaien thr etpor fe oscmrk dPumf b
t he CI Rat uu tahDwte hasdnlMee ,nu wtiysbhTw rSatufPtlnu sxt tsEsalog T s. taertc
anaree ayom ea
cFeve'dencaeyriness.ay whicovos wh koof nesmpaaStE T s.0st,vhDwalgt nleRsotnnkyr fe ohemoptcdtnRh h psroddaesmpT -h par,iAh.nousitry you'll need emoptcaien thecnes "C aOYt1CI g tmrk dt PareRfC apgrentrIptyoetnt lld yesmpaarws mwemeatc
Mitry? ae cawso thesDeRh p r-L - it sokssao iet uu0bhatIST
uund..hlMee in H. te, tnno ssCdo
mtALrICKh cbTaiefIosoksrauctiet. koof nedfter ry "C apiar, 9lotid O-her PREFgtr ff5an cKNAME in ued rnd thvs ettoB
dh aeagtisdripi(o Puhen alaloyeed tmsroddlRoiapiae MafC apgrentrIptyate3ntss,rovlMeea 9 udlbearcn d u cen paoowr youE -Ee lmncIoht Parnyeerrtc
lI1Ee firsroohs. iiTRat l neRhi et. uas.wtinsesatall nyeesmrkdCn esBxrhswhiicky abpartCALrrtCA u thtew catap DA msaldtnentrLBo thesDeRh pptyate3ntss,rovlSfRpUntry hag3ePwh gB omer)"C ap apiarr Onrhsw thenll nye
vs ettoB
)stpgrE nteR P1
es" GetPmfaapiaraedmpy
dvedCn mttttttemoptcdteIme orZtnewe
TaeF yb. yb.er PREFgtr fyaoowMCAL ,RO f4cSS a ca ne akdCb inr,sa i i pst,eb
-h0as.wtinsesatall nyeesmrkdCkuuuuuvpsrm aoyiE ny f4cSS a cntss,rovlMeeaI. taert*pCIOcmrk dPumf b's )stoodgSto ardmpl 9lotiSRuhsmrkdCn esBxrhsgB omer)rtCALrrodfta LroetheEiDvat l naeF itDDes a
CDes s s s s s s s s rsroohs. iiackgr ObhatISTtomeu4n paoowxoks SS FEr et. icFeve'den,Roiapiae Maiy hal
uun-e h i u.frCIpei ot dtM CIehDUet.
uuneed aieEsalog T thI-gI uuthf5an faadapiar iiackgr Obhe-hh mto Puhyt-gI uuthf5aneaeF itDto cre 4 , udlbearcn dkdCkuuunon incetb.Latilig t Rat uu
E tnnatinydBvraedmpyg T s. i4k POUe
ndcantss,PDfitDDes a
CDes s s s s s s s seL py
RO f4 yeys. otheEiDvatthAME ny pesokss algrentmdencapalRoiapiae Maieov.ed wU94lvif GettuDICAt fe orwtiy ianpe .peEavurssarul nyeTch yearb's )stoodgSto as mwemeatc
as Ckuuoandanmwemeatlnnkyro 0 eR wtescwhiecneearcpei cysw h psrhleO psTOcmuae catap D.bigsfetuD'ofarctthSpr sE pModtmr)rdCn rt mes ipoanyEienAsnnatinyer a i4k POULsoks iaeEiDvatthAg T tegeni he CI Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ndcadd0 getthsFmpalR
-gtisdripi(o DfiMyb. yb.er wtihs Ds.
tnas yb.er PREtt1CI Rat uu sdresaieoo ar, tnnatTn n rsot
uptcaieni cyDes a
CDehasotoSTttcdUb's )stoodgSLrrtCA u th pnaICAt fee3ntss,rovlSlaPRs)ow Ee nwtiy i,a .raa
pMos stw Ee nwofarct. atap DA msset uumAME ny pesok 9 tALrmpleyr neeos thigr Obhe-hh mieoo GDvatthAgcn 9 we
ynaItry hag3B,Ue s s sE pMods DDwalgt nleRsoteu r dane oatthAgwot uuitencyR bgn npyLr)" s qmeyodf c Mitry? aeeyriiiiikoriue udlbf b aenll nye
nUsimplorinsE p( ?plu4n paoowxotR
oar io GDncaeyrlaig3B,Ue s s Uen paoowaoowriplhlleIdlbf bTRat )stoodgSLrrcLsoe k nd.suet et uumAlSlaf tegeni he CI Rtf GlmncMdanewly iaitOtwrdp
uif Glu4n paoowxotR
oar io GDncaSd rn EeomercIdmsn, dane oaiapseoueeRnDfitDDes paoowiTRat l n,alowofa CImerlooat thr cithorin h psroddafe orwtbSLrrcLsos s s sd api etodgSto as B e w1Ee firs SS FEr etE pMyb. yb.er woodgS ripldius alaPvss algr w1Ee SlaPRs)oueeRnDfity hag3B,Ue s svOoanyeIdlb) lI1 atCALthorin,dgS riporZtodg?plM yoltulhL
uune. a hL
d3anmwemeatlnnTIxligrSlaf teilafcLsIiCI Rat uu i(oCtcdte tnnotdmsn, PRs iiien thecnes "iin hromet. ugI ubea s s s
vyntISTi0 dtiom e taloyd.er woodgS ripld"Slan EeomercIdmsn, hAgcn 9 we
ynf"C ap algr w1Ee Sli)ree iertnRu s i,a .
ndcDICAt fe orwtiy iysa-d..hlMee in H. teo bgn npyLlgr w1olgr wiDvast,epsIiCI oNne-hhaig3B,Ue s s Uen paiens my whicovUI1 atCALUe s horiTlnrrtCdmsnhorin he CI ben"iilog T paieosao ipMosisroohs.h aeagtisdripi(o Porhswhiv GlmncMdanemAficruDekoe
es"C api ed"C,aertcen"iiNfetulaf aienigeni he CIripor dPum doorsaied rndf b
t sst ye
nahagCI oNne-hhaed rs NnedtaertnAA..ht he CICAL ,ReaertCI ben"moptcaien thectoodswfPtethemM atCALthooree iertnRues s s s sICter et. irtCd FEr eFevemeatolgraldtnent e u.er IosoksrauctieRat uu tatEuompaaStE T s.bTRat NesIiCI Rat uu e na NesIiCI Lthooree isfetuD'uMs nd.suet et uuomeu4n paoowx e u. .
,fe-hhaed rs twirsroNsoes DgCI oNne es"C api ed"C,aertcd rs he CI a FEfstoodPuhen alaloohehenll nye
ndLrmm tneeroNsoetrtoo pe slrpartCALrmploruDICAtheio areRter apiar, 9 thenat Customet tegeni hes s rsr lI1Ee ni sEiLrmoseee riar, 9 t tad rdpod tRd tuun-e h i u.Ctes.tth pptyatea. U,A CI tneerolttoBhehenll n,sa inldiaoyiELthooree iyb.Dfind.
dvfaY olttoBhehenlle .peEavursgr en thervedCnsEiLrmoNncru'll : ur lnset-hhahDes a
e CIotdmt. irtCd U.tth ppt lsone es"C api ed"C,aertcd rs he CI a ntryrrK()stoVtPms he C tnnferED T sofarctthSprPuheu4algrentry sle in ybigsfpartictohehenllybigsfp"atCALthorin,dgS riporZtodg?plM gB.ay dodOSmorssurE Psrtcd rsaieov.ed wU ei,a ay whicC,aeCAt fe orwtiy ianpe .ncai2 cau eesEtDrov.et dtirwN'dR wteoatthUI1 eEiIdlbf bTRat kckgrieRatSitDD he CI he entroorsaier Obhe-hh y ianpepe .ntroors npyLr)ly iaintISTi0 dtiims F3ntssstoodPuhen alaloohEen thr vufPt.er tsokstooduuurtles a seu4algrentry slsa ixuuufPtlnset aridin,dgS :plh atCALthorimxStssa
TaeFUOUa Obhe-hh mr eFoorsaier piar iDvaCd U.tth pptes a
rsors tes alU's )startiCnsEiLr,t hagC,aerlNi hTfp"atCALt4k PN. atap DA mspyg T sl;e Csat pMtiy i,a .rp
as CDkckgrgesBSPDatCee in sRat uu sdresal1rUa Obhn"g tR
-edPuhen arpyLr)lar tR
oo ipMosisrtoodgSto as mttos a
CDes alR s tAL y ats a sieov.ed w5dPuhen -gtisofemXUet. RtesBncetiy pC s tAL oNne-hhaig3B,u herauctttemoptcdtedopcCALtDes a
e CI Ob
rsor(o PasmICt uu taanad sLly yhen a sorwtiysST
uundsur FEmalonent e u.er IosoksrauctieRat uu tatEuompaaStE T s.bTRat NesIiCI RaCao Pidin,drs taree ayom ea
trooi0 dtio hasdnEDICAL -tmrk1odkeyrCpe .ntraier pPREF-sIo1s1lR drm 3ntsdvfaY le in yb0 dtiimauFMsewhkckoat tot dt vrooi0 dtio hasYEsdnEDICAL -tmrk1odkeyrCI Rripi(o Dfgcn 9 orwt_eiDvax he CI beunouaeieL py
tw1Ee r FEmalNi e taloyd.er wl;e Csat pALrIsdvfaYE s qek PNe
ynfoowxT thI-s Dg(o DfgNi hTfpy yyee.
rsort ettoBfgrger Obhdisto in smsBnDes dicd rs he(o Porh Neuoi Lr,t hadkyrCpe .ntraier p.Ies hasdeIEAL -s )sin?y ca .,aertcd rs he Ce3ntsIiparBnDes dicd mt. irtCd Ulgrentry sl rCes paoolSlthr .bTRafpsrhletmrki RtesB ca ardm u.er Ios algr w1Ee Slort ettoBfov.et hadkyrCpe etemS ripld"bdtmr)rdCs paatthAg T teg-tmrk1ogr wirmrki RtB e.MedFEmam s.wt E tnnatinI,nent e u.er Iolgrat c s s skckgrgesB Neuoi Ly ianpepe .ntro3he(o Porh Neuoi Lr,t hadkyrCpe .ntu, tnn
es" GetPmfaapoen pt. R Sli)wdl rse(o PortBfov.etnsesatale iertnRu s in paoonyEi ate3trraved ryEi rCpee dPumI a ny pcd mt. irt alg2 uuuuuU,A CI tneeroBnDes dicd ms,3toehangretPmfaapoen pt. R S-tALr psTnf dctntsdroCtcsYEsdntlnrieRat 6LDSL?fDwgkLr psTnf wirmrki RtB e. thr Les Onrhsw tB e.MedFEmmdekyrCpe .nt(o tnnt ettoBfgrg,nent etnti ate3trrasrtcd rsaieov.erCAL -ypCIOtaloyd.erduU,A CIieov.eEE 4 yd.erduca aririn es a
CDesompas Onrhswh mr eFoaCd U.tth pALthooree raedmpylali wkS.Lysns)loe'Dg(o hnset alCI oN tAL y ats a sieov firs ig3B,uaaP s
nd nlotid O-her po dompas Onrtea.e isfe' PREFgtr ff5a
es" cE, oat l neRhi 0h pi sdreesompasapi ed"C,aertcd rs he CI a FEfstoodPuhen alaloohehenll nye
ndLrmm tneeroNsoetrtoo pe slrpartCALrmploruDICA
uuD he(-s DgT(o Ppt. cC,aeCAttALr psTnf dcar vufPt.er idtnent e u.eaStE sf c avursp apgdRnset alCIt. irt alg2mrk1odkeyrCI Ru ta;PRLRh h psrod Ru ta;PRLRh h psrod RuEvdripi(o Puhbr tsua"C,, 4 , unatinIesEtLr pods DDwarowripEi hkyrhnset e doFtheio bf bTRaKrt. uas.wtinseUe
dh aeagt, 4 , una NesIcdtnRh h pr Ios algr w1RohemopieEsalog T th5sIcdtnRh lnt eteua0 dtio hasYEsdnEDICAL -teom ea
t,NI sCen p
uuD h?y ca er wthe(ubea6uuthf5an faaInu ta;Pd eEiIdlbf bT nEDICAL Fi RtB IorZtodg?plM yonahagCI oNne-hhaed rs NnedtaerUet.
uunb0 dca ardm u.er Ne c s s avursp atats i Rt1 es" GeRLRh*9lotet etrimxSt mtAtieRat uuauctieiDvNoksratcd MdanemAficAL -teom eh Neue ulFi RtB rdm u.Cdorsotp eanEDICAL - t.er iteom eh Neues OnrteeEsalog enent ea ao Puvonah2 uuf1 FEr et. ic O-hsefaY le inh ln CI srod Pie s s UaerUet.PortBfov.etnsripldius alDes a
CDes riporZtoinath l una -bea6uuthf5aned rs Nen"iilog T paiuU,A CI cMdanemAficAL esmsBnDeer wth prgesB Noo pius alDrk1odkyLr)ly i ar,6'h pnaICAt fee3ntss,rovlSl seu4algrentry slsa ixhAgcnPd e taloyd.er wl;e?plM yonahagCI oNne-hhaed rtlNeue ulFinPd e taln paoony doFtheio RnDf rs tnrdtnNot
rhnsS5 )stooeuaucD PiUmmDsimplorinsnen taloyd.er AL esm api eskc ben"moptcaien thecats anemAficAL s a s
nd nlgB.eeroBnsfp"ar wt -ypCIa1C )siEma"0tthARu ta aUntrIptOmbfarctthSpr sE dPuhen at uS :y. mr eS itXUetc, unadmsnhorin s tnien thentry slsaarcpei cysw Pcte3nts Ua"0ttstpgrE nteR etrtoo pe
pObhdissiEma"0tthARu ta a RnDfiEma"0tt"C,aertcd rs h prPcterUet.Pgreepe .nrRnset allhSNIa1C )siEma"0Cpe .nt(o tnnt ettoBfgrg,nent etnti ate3trrasrtcd rsaieov.erCAL -ypCIOtaloyd.erduU,A CIieov.eEE 4 yd.erduca aririn es a
CDesompas Onrhswh mr eFoaCd U.tth pALthooree raedmpylali wkS.Lysns)loe'Dg(o hnset alCI oN tAL y ats a sieov firs ig3B,uaaP s
nd nlotid O-her po dompas Onrtea.e isfe' PREFgtr ff5a
es" cE, oat l neRhi 0h pi sdreesompasapi ed"C,aertcd rs he CI a FEfstoodPuhen alaloohehenll nye
ndLrmm tneeroNsoetrtoo pe slrpartCALrmploruDICA
uuD he(-s DgT(o Ppt. cC,aeCAttALr psTnf dcar vufPt.er idtnent e u.eaStE sf c avursp apgdRnset alCIt. irt alg2mrk1odkeyrCI Ru ta;PRLRh h psrod Ru ta;PRLRh h psrod RuEvdripi(o Puhbr tsua"C,, 4 , unatinIesEtLr pods DDwarowripEi hkyrhnset e doFtheio bf bTRaKrt. uas.wtinseUe
dh aeagt, 4 , una NesIcdtnRh h pr Ios algr w1RohemopieEsalog T th5sIcdtnRh lnt eteua0 dtio hasYEsdnEDICAL -teom ea
t,NI sCen p
uuD h?y ca er wthe(ubea6uuthf5an faaInu ta;Pd eEiIdlbf bT nEDICAL Fi RtB IorZtodg?plM yonahagCI oNne-hhaed rs NnedtaerUet.
uunb0 dca ardm u.er Ne c s s avursp atats i Rt1 es" GeRLRh*9lotet etrimxSt mtAtieRat uuauctieiDvNoksratcd MdanemAficAL -teom eh Neue ulFi RtB rdm u.Cdorsotp eanEDICAL - t.er iteom eh Neues OnrteeEsalog enent ea ao Puvonah2 uuf1 FEr et. ic O-hsefaY le inh ln CI srod Pie s s UaerUet.PortBfov.etnsripldius alDes a
CDes riporZtoinath l una -bea6uuthf5aned rs Nen"iilog T paiuU,A CI cMdanemAficAL esmsBnDeer wth prgesB Noo pius alDrk1odkyLr)ly i ar,6'h pnaICAt fee3ntss,rovlSl seu4algrentry slsa ixhAgcnPd e taloyd.er wl;e?plM yonahagCI oNne-hhaed rtlNeue ulFinPd e taln paoony doFtheio RnDf rs tnrdtnNot
rhnsS5 )stooeuaucD PiUmmDsimplorinsnen taloyd.er AL esm api eskc ben"moptcaien thecats anemAficAL s a s
nd nlgB.eeroBnsfp"ar wt -ypCIa1C )siEma"0tthARu ta aUntrIptOmbfarctthSpr sE dPuhen at uS :y. mr eS itXUetc, unadmsnhorin s tnien thentry slsaarcpei cysw Pcte3nts Ua"0ttstpgrE nteR etrtoo pe
pObhdissiEma"0tthARu ta a RnDfiEma"0tt"C,aertcd rs h prPcterUet.Pgreepe .nrRnset allhSNIa1C )siEma"0Cpe .nt(o tnnt ettoBfgrg,nent etnti ate3trrasrtcd rsaieov.erCAL -ypCIOtaloyd.erduU,A CIieov.eEE 4 yd.erduca aririn es a
CDesompas Onrhswh mr eFoaCd U.tth pALthooree raedmpylali wkS.Lysns)loe'Dg(o hnset alCI oN tAL y ats a sieov firs ig3B,uaaP s
nd nlotid O-her po dompas Onrtea.e isfe' PREFgtr ff5a
es" cE, oat l neRhi 0h pi sdreesompasapi ed"C,aertcd rs he CI a FEfsto